
Art can do more than just please the eye. Art can increase your frequency.

Transformation, Protection, Manifestation, Empowerment, Evolution, Liberation, Immortality, Equilibrium, Abundance, Happiness, Love and more COMING …

Will be sold with a rolling frame or a solid rame or unframed, depends on the size of the painting. If framed, it will be on copper basis. Included is a frequency-copper-tool to uplift your own frequency regarding body, mind and soul and the space you live in. Frame and copper-tools are handmade by the artist. The frequency-copper-tools are based on the ancient wisdom of tensorrings. They are impressed  with a special blessing on the 432 hz basis according to the empowerment that they initiate. Price will be approx. 0,43 cent per cm2 including the frequency-copper-tool plus shipping costs.



Number 1: Manifestation

Unique. Hand signed. Unframed.
Approximately 70cm x 90cm (painted area) and 82cm x100 cm all in all
Price: 70x90x0.43 = 2,709 Euros plus shipping costs

All TensorRings have a certain size for a very specific effect. The TensorRing Manifestation has the so-called “lost cubit” dimension. This is the measure that was only reserved for the pharaohs. The ring in connection with the image clarifies and strengthens the mental and emotional field regarding the dreaming capacity, which is totally contrary than to focus on a certain target. Its impact goes far beyond the place where the picture hangs. Users of the “lost cubit” rings say that the ring allows their dreams to manifest more quickly. Simply declare your heart wish loud through the ring. There is no guarantee or other promise associated. But be careful what you are wishing for, it might come true. Have fun and good luck with it.



Number 2: Transformation

Unique. Hand signed. Unframed. 

Approximately 90cm x 90cm (painted area) and 120cm x105cm all in all

Price: 90x90x0.43 = 3,483 Euros plus shipping costs

When we retrace back to our eternal nature and the inner core opens up to new worlds of experience, this is called transformation. The two TensorRings enhance the effect. They have the “sacred cubit 1/2”-dimension with 8.47cm on average. Lovers of this dimension wear the rings on their belts when hiking and also on their arms at home. They energize your life force and improve your well-being. Feel empowered with them.